Wakefield is a city located within West Yorkshire in England with population over 300,000. The city can be found on the River Calder. The city is a nice area that attracts tourist from many places.
The name of the city may have originated from Waca’s field. Waca’s field is a bare land that is owned by a person called Waca. Some people have suggested that the name of the city came from an ancient English word wacu, the meaning of wacu is a watch or wake. The wacu could have been linked with field where celebrations were held to form Wakefield.
Eventually, Wakefield transformed into a town involved in domineering business and an area for fleece. The city misused the benefit of its location on the River Calder by changing it to an inland port.
Based on our research, Wakefield population will reach 334,411 by 1st July of 2025. We use first day of July each year due to Office for National Statistics (ONS) normally publishes the estimated population data for the same period. The calculation is based on the average growth rate of 0.10% over last 13 years since 2011. We believe using the recent years’ figures (see the table in next section) will make the estimation more accurate.
Population Growth of Wakefield
The growth rate of the city is extremely low. The range of growth within the past 13 years is from 0.06% to 0.27% adding just 201 to 900 people to the overall population.
Year | Population | Growth rate |
2011 | 329,800 | n/a |
2012 | 330,700 | 0.27% |
2013 | 330,987 | 0.09% |
2014 | 331,379 | 0.12% |
2015 | 331,580 | 0.06% |
2016 | 331,800 | 0.07% |
2017 | 332,060 | 0.08% |
2018 | 332,308 | 0.07% |
2019 | 332,667 | 0.11% |
2020 | 332,934 | 0.11% |
2021 | 333,210 | 0.08% |
2022 | 333,520 | 0.09% |
2023 | 333,790 | 0.08% |
2024 | 334,080 | 0.09% |
Demographics of Wakefield
Majority of the people in Wakefield are Christians (78.21 percent of the population), other religion includes Islam (3.14 percent), Buddhism (0.1 percent), Hindu (0.2 percent) etc. People with no religion are 11.74 percent of the population.
The oldest church in Wakefield is All Saints that became Wakefield Cathedral. The church was built far back in the 14th Century.
According to the census done in 2001, the population of the city was 315,172. Out of this population, 153,210 were men, this means men are 48.7 percent of the population. On the other hand, the population of women was 161,962 (51.3 percent of the population). There were 132,212 families in the city. Out of these families, 39.56% were wedded as a couple, 28.32% were a living alone, 9.71% were single parents.
Population Density of Wakefield
The population density of Wakefield is 990 people per square kilometer.
Facts About Wakefield
- Wakefield was an area for coal mining since the 15th century. 44 coal pits were present in the city in 1869. Two largest coal mines were closed in 1982
- The evidence of existence of ancient human was found in Wakefield. Tools made with rock, stone and bronze has been found at the city region.
- Wakefield was widely acknowledged as the Merrie City during the Middle ages.
- Two juveniles’ rhymes have been linked with the city. According to history, one of these rhymes is “Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush” it was chanted by female prisoners in the Wakefield prison. The other rhyme is “The Grand Old Duke of York” and it originated from clash of Wakefield that happened in 1460.
- Wakefield is an important city of the West riding. The monitoring place for West Riding County Council is County Hall since 1898.
- This city was changed to a flourishing business sector in 1699, when a law was enacted to make the Aire-Calder Navigation that furnish the city’s access to the direction of the North Sea.
The following links provide data for this topic:
- Wakefield City Council: http://www.wakefield.gov.uk
- Office for National Statistics: https://www.ons.gov.uk
- BBC News: http://www.bbc.com/news