England Population 2025 ❤️

England population

England is a country that is part of the United Kingdom with population over 55 million, which accounts for 84% of the UK population. Not only England is the biggest country by population in UK, it is 25th largest country in the world by population if it is independent from UK and the fifth largest in Europe.

England is bordered by Wales to the west and Scotland to the north. It has a total area of 130,279 km2. The capital city of England is London. Other major cities include Birmingham, Manchester, Sheffield, Liverpool, Newcastle and Leeds.

Based on our research, England population will reach 57.308 million by 1st July of 2025. We use first day of July each year due to Office for National Statistics (ONS normally publishes the estimated population data for the same period. The calculation is based on the average growth rate of 0.56% over last 13 years since 2011. We believe using the recent years’ figures (see the table in next section) will make the estimation more accurate.

Population Growth of England

Looking back last 13 years of England’s population, the growth rate is slow but consistent ranging from 0.37% to 0.91%, adding around 200,000 to 480,000 people each year to the overall population. The growth relies on organic growth, which means not many people move out or in this country. Comparing with UK population growth, England population growth rate is below the UK growth rate.

Year Population (Million) Growth rate
2011 53.01 n/a
2012 53.49 0.91%
2013 53.90 0.77%
2014 54.28 0.71%
2015 54.55 0.50%
2016 54.79 0.44%
2017 54.99 0.37%
2018 55.33 0.62%
2019 55.67 0.61%
2020 55.892 0.40%
2021 56.191 0.53%
2022 56.44 0.44%
2023 56.72 0.50%
2024 56.99 0.48%

Demographics of England

According to census, average age in England is 37. 4.31% of the population is over 60. Life expectancy at birth for male is 76.92 years while female is 81.14 years.

The top five races for people living in England are: White(85.4%),Black(3.5%),Asian(7.8%),Mixed(2.3%),Chinese (0.45%) and other ethnic group(0.44%).

The top five languages (other than English) spoken in England are: Polish(1.04%),Punjabi(0.53%),Urdu(0.52%),Bengali (with Sylheti and Chatgaya)(0.42%), Gujarati(0.42%). As you can see Polish dominate the non-English speaking Language due to immigrant population.

The religious makeup of England is :Christian(59.38%),Muslim(5.02%),Hindu(1.52%),Sikh(0.79%),Jewish(0.49%),Buddhist(0.45%),Other religion(0.43%),No religion(24.74%),Religion not stated(7.18%).

Population Density of England

England’s population density is 407 people per square kilometer, the second most densely populated country in the European Union after Malta.

Top 5 Largest Cities by Population          

London – Being the most populous city in England and also the most densely populated major city in the UK, the city has over 8.7 million people that accounts for 15.80% of the country population. 36.7% of London’s population are foreign-born making London the city with the second largest immigrant population, behind New York City. The city’s population density is 420 per km2 … read more about London population 2025.

Birmingham– The city has the second largest population in England with population over 1.1 million that accounts for 1.8% of the country population. Birmingham has nick names of “Second City”, “Brum”, “City of a thousand trades” and “Workshop of the world”. People living in Birmingham are called Brummies, a term derived from the city’s nickname of Brum… read more about Birmingham population 2025.

Leeds– Rochester is located in western Yorkshire with population over 760,000 that accounts for 1.38% of England population. It ranks the third most populous city in England after London and Birmingham. It is also fifth largest city within the United Kingdom by population.  The population density in Leeds is 1,416 people per km2…read more about Leeds population 2025.

Manchester – The city has population over 530,000 that accounts for 0.96% of England population. The city’s population is the fourth biggest in England behind London, Birmingham and Leeds. Manchester is the third-most visited city in the UK, after London and Edinburgh. Historically the population of Manchester began to increase rapidly during the Victorian era peaking at 766,311 in 1931, then the population began to decrease rapidly…read more about Manchester population 2025.

Liverpool– The city has population around 480,000 that accounts for just 0.87% of England population. From 2001 to 2011 Liverpool population has increased by 6.1% from 439,000 to 466,000. Comparing with other cities in England, Liverpool’s population is younger than that of England as a whole, 42.3% of its population under the age of 30, compared to average of 37.4% in England…read more about Liverpool population 2025.


Facts About England

  1. England was the first industrialized nation after the industrial revolution that began around 1760.
  2. The highest mountain in England is Scafell Pike, which stands at around 978 metres (3,209 ft) in height.
  3. Football (soccer) is the most popular sport in England but others such as cricket and rugby have large followings.
  4. The Summer Olympic Games have been held in London 3 times, in 1908, 1948 and 2012. It is the only city hosts Summer Olympic 3 times in the world.
  5. England is only 35 km from France and is now linked by a tunnel under the English Channel.
  6. English computer scientist Tim Berners-Lee is credited with inventing the World Wide Web.
  7. England has a large economy and uses the pound sterling as its currency.
  8. The name “England” is derived from the Old English name Englaland, which means “land of the Angles”.


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