The city of Sunderland is located at the North East of England with population close to 300,000. It is an administration zone of Tyne and Wear. The city was given its name because of its largest area, Sundered land. The meaning of sundered land is a land that is kept for distinct uses. Although, it covers a wider region that includes towns like Washington and some other surrounding rural settlements. It was formed as the Urban Area of Sunderland in 1974.
According to history, Sunderland developed as a port where trading of coal and salt is done. Presently, the city has developed commercially to a city where many vehicle industries are situated. Sunderland is also a place for development of science and technology.
Based on our research, Sunderland population will reach 305,558 by 1st July of 2025. We use first day of July each year due to Office for National Statistics (ONS) normally publishes the estimated population data for the same period. The calculation is based on the average growth rate of 0.75% over last 13 years since 2011. We believe using the recent years’ figures (see the table in next section) will make the estimation more accurate.
Population Growth of Sunderland
Looking back last 13 years, the population growth of Sunderland is fairly consistent and slow. The growth rate varies from 0.29% to 1.53% adding 800 to 4310 people to the overall population.
Year | Population | Growth rate |
2011 | 275,300 | n/a |
2012 | 276,100 | 0.29% |
2013 | 278,900 | 1.01% |
2014 | 281,000 | 0.75% |
2015 | 285,310 | 1.53% |
2016 | 287,450 | 0.75% |
2017 | 289,880 | 0.85% |
2018 | 292,205 | 0.80% |
2019 | 294,705 | 0.86% |
2020 | 296,670 | 0.83% |
2021 | 298,680 | 0.68% |
2022 | 300,120 | 0.48% |
2023 | 301,680 | 0.52% |
2024 | 303,290 | 0.53% |
Demographics of Sunderland
Mackem is a common dialect in Sunderland. People frequently mix-up Mackem and Geordie, but they are different even though they are similar when pronounced and worded. This dialect also varies in different part of the city.
Different ethnic groups are present in Sunderland. The whitesare the largest ethnic group in Sunderland with more than 95% of the total population, other ethnic groups are Asians, blacks Jewish people etc. The Jews are a very minute portion of the whole city. Initially, there were no Jew in Sunderland. Jewish traders came from different countries in Europe to reside in the city. Since then, the population of Jews have been reducing in Sunderland due to their emigration to other part of United Kingdom and Europe.
According to research, nothing less than 60 percent of houses in Sunderland are used by the landlords.
Population Density of Sunderland
Sunderland has a population density of about 2,003 persons per square kilometer.
Facts About Sunderland
- Since 1,500 years ago, glass have been prepared in Sunderland. The glass manufacturing companies in Sunderland were closed because of the stiff competition from other countries. The National Glass Centre was unveiled in 1998 to demonstrate the relevance of Sunderland in the past of glass making.
- Someone from Sunderland region can be called Mackem because of their traditional dialect.
- In 1939, the occurrence of world war II made Sunderland a site of attack for the German Luftwaffle. About 267 lives were taken and 4000 properties were destroyed.
- In June 1883, 183 children died from a disaster that occurred in an enormous concert hall known as Victoria Hall.
- The first European car industrial unit to be established by a Japanese car maker was built in Sunderland. The car factory belongs to Nissan and was built in 1986.
- The Museum in the city and Winter Gardens was funded internally. This was the first of its kind in the country apart from London. The Museum attracts tourists from different countries.
The following links provide data for this topic:
- Office for National Statistics:
- Sunderland City Council:
- BBC News: