Located in the eastern area of Mersey Estuary, Liverpool is a metropolitan district of Merseyside. The city has population of over 490,000. This made it, one of the most populated cities of United Kingdom. In 2006,Liverpool had a GVA rate of £7,626 million, proffering a figure of £17,489 per capita.
Liverpool is ranked 6th on the list of most visited city of United Kingdom. Tourists come from all over the world to spectate the marvellous and stunning architectures of Liverpool, such as Albert Dock, Church of Our Lady and St Nicholas, Cavern Club, Picton Clock Tower and so forth.
Our analysts have predicted that the population of Liverpool will enhance to 511,619 by July 2025. The anticipation was carried out by the standard growth rate 0.64% of Liverpool over last 13 years.
Population Growth of Liverpool
Looking over the past 13 years, the population of Liverpool has shown various changing, with a growth rate of 0.19% to 1.67%, adding around 903 to 7,939 number of individuals to the population of Liverpool every year.
Year | Population | Growth Rate |
2011 | 468,131 | n/a |
2012 | 469,230 | 0.23% |
2013 | 470,133 | 0.19% |
2014 | 473,023 | 0.61% |
2015 | 476,182 | 0.67% |
2016 | 484,121 | 1.67% |
2017 | 489,241 | 1.06% |
2018 | 493,856 | 0.94% |
2019 | 497,650 | 0.77% |
2020 | 499,988 | 0.47% |
2021 | 501,930 | 0.39% |
2022 | 503,950 | 0.40% |
2023 | 506,060 | 0.42% |
2024 | 508,380 | 0.46% |
Demographics of Liverpool
At the time of UK Census 2011, it came to know that 51% of the population of Liverpool is based on females and 49% on males. The average age of people living in Liverpool is 38 years.
In 2009, by ethnic division, 91% of the Liverpool’s populace was White, among which 86.3% was White British, 1.0% was White Irish and 3.7% was Other White. 3.0% of the population was Asian, in which 1.5% was Indians, 0.7% was Pakistanis, 0.3% was Bangladeshis and 0.5% was Other Asians.
By racial proportion, 1.9% of the Liverpool’s population was made up by Black, among which 1.1% belonged to Africa, 0.5% was Black Caribbean and 0.3% was Other Black. Mixed Race made 2% from the total population, 1.1% was made by Chinese and 1.0% belonged to other varied race.
93.7% of the population of Liverpool speaks English language, 0.9% of the populace speaks varied Chinese languages, 0.8% converses through Arabic, 0.7% exchanges information via Polish, 0.2% are Somali-speakers, 0.2% of population speaks Kurdish, 0.2% makes conversation via Cantonese Chinese, 0.2% speaks Spanish and 0.1% of the population speaks Malayalam.
71.0% of the people living in Liverpool, practice the religion of Christianity, 17.3% of the population has no religion, 3.3% of the populace belongs to Islam, Hindus and Jews make up 0.5% each, 0.4% is filling up by Buddhists, 0.1% believes in Sikhism and 0.1% believes in Atheism.
Population Density of Liverpool
The population density of Liverpool is 10,070 inhabitants per square mile. Thus, Liverpool is ranked 9th in the UK’s most populous cities.
Facts About Liverpool
- The Albert Dock in Liverpool, incorporate the largest single collection of Grade I buildings than any other city of Britain.
- Designed by Giles Gilbert Scott in 1904, Anglican Cathedral is the fifth largest cathedral in the world.
- Anglican Cathedral also comprises the heaviest bell of the world and a tower of more than 100 meter high.
- Liverpool incorporates the world’s first library that lent books to the readers. It was also the first to start a school of tropical medicine.
- The football teams of Liverpool, FC Liverpool and FC Everton, is the most successful football teams of the England.
- Stanley Dock Tobacco Warehouse is the largest masonry building of the world.
- The Beatles and many other pop-music performers began their lives and their career from the Liverpool.
- The world’s first commercial wet dock was built in Liverpool in 1715.
- A professor at the School of Tropical Medicine, Ronald Ross became the first British man to earn a Noble Prize in 1902.
- Liverpool is also the home to the first provincial airport of Britain, providing services from 1930
The following links provide data for this topic:
- Liverpool City Council: http://www.liverpool.nsw.gov.au/
- Office for National Statistics: https://www.ons.gov.uk/
- BBC News: http://www.bbc.com/news