Bradford has a population of over 530,000, which made it one of the largest cities of United Kingdom. Situated at the hillocks of Peninnes in West Yorkshire, England, Bradford is the metropolitan borough of the City of Bradford. After the deindustrialization of textile sector in the mid-20th century, Bradford became the first UNESCO City of Film with enthralling sites like the National Science and Media Museum, Alhambra theatre, Cartwright Hall and Bradford City Park.
The population of Bradford is predicted by our analysts, will reach 534,247 by July 2025. This anticipation was carried out at the standard growth rate of 0.08% over the last 13 years.
Population Growth of Bradford
If we take a glimpse at the previous 13 years, we come to know that the population of Bradford has increased with the growth rates from 0.02% to 0.15%. This makes around 110 to 790 number of people to be added to the populace of Bradford every year.
Year | Population | Growth Rate |
2011 | 528,155 | n/a |
2012 | 528,700 | 0.10% |
2013 | 529,200 | 0.09% |
2014 | 529,310 | 0.02% |
2015 | 530,100 | 0.15% |
2016 | 530,297 | 0.04% |
2017 | 530,921 | 0.12% |
2018 | 531,483 | 0.11% |
2019 | 531,960 | 0.09% |
2020 | 532,279 | 0.06% |
2021 | 532,680 | 0.08% |
2022 | 533,000 | 0.06% |
2023 | 533,440 | 0.08% |
2024 | 533,810 | 0.07% |
Demographics of Bradford
According to the UK Census 2011, females make up 51% of the populace of Bradford and males make up 49% of the populace. The ordinary age of people in Bradford is 36.
In Bradford, White people make up 67.44% of the population, among which 63.86% of white belong to the Great Britain, 0.49% of them are Irish, 0.08% are Gypsy and 3.01% of White belong to various other countries.
Asians have the second largest proportion in the racial distribution of population. 20.41% of the Asians belong to Pakistan, 2.59% of population is from India, Bangladeshis make up 1.89% of the populace, 0.40% of people belong to China and the rest 1.54% came from other Asian countries.
Black fills up 1.77% of the population of Bradford, from which, 0.96% of Black belong to Africa, 0.69% of the Black populace are Caribbean and 0.13% are Other Black. 0.71% of the populace belongs to Arab countries and 0.77% is other ethnic group. The Mixed-Race makes up a proportion of 2.48% from the Bradford population.
By having a proportion of 45.9%, majority of the population of Bradford is the follower of Christianity. After Christians, Muslims make up the second largest populace ratio of 24.7%. Other religious make up includes 1.0% Sikh, 0.9% of Hindu, 0.2% Buddhist and 0.1% of Jews.
English is the foremost language in Bradford and among total populace. Ratio of other languages spoken in Bradford is as follows: Punjabi by 3.99%, Urdu by 3.33%, Polish by 1.11%, Bengali by 0.95%, Pashto by 0.72%, Gujarati by 0.53%, Arabic by 0.48, Slovak by 0.26 and Kurdish by 0.26% of the population.
Population Density of Bradford
The population density of Bradford is 3,468 people per square kilometer. Thus, after London, Bradford incorporates the fastest and youngest developing population.
Facts About Bradford
- After London, National Media Museum is the most visited museum in the United Kingdom.
- Bradford had maintained the fame of Curry Capital of Britain for five years.
- Bradford Mela was the first European Mela, held in 1998. The
- Bradford is also known as the UNESCO City of Film and the National Media Museum comprises the first IMAX theatre of Europe.
- The Mirror pool of the Bradford City Park comprises the largest fountain in the Great Britain, shooting water up to 30 meters above the surface.
- In the early 18’s, due to the immigration and settlement of some German Jews, Manningham got a nickname as Little Germany.
- In 2012, British Wool Marketing Board established its head office in Bradford.
- Holding a capacity of 3,000 individuals, The Bradford Odeon was established in 1930 and was the largest cinema of the time, in UK after London.
- Bradford Bulls is counted among the most successful rugby league clubs in the globe.
- St George‘s Hall is the oldest concert hall in United Kingdom and the third oldest in the entire Europe.
The following links provide data for this topic:
- Office for National Statistics:
- The Guardian:
- Bradford City Council: